Applications that are planned to be published in stores must be signed with a developer certificate. The signature guarantees that you are the developer of the application. The signature is always verified when the app is updated.
The signature must be stored in the same way as your password. If you lose your signature, you won’t be able to update your app anymore.
Signing an application is a mandatory procedure for applications of all platforms.
At the time of building the application in your Personal Account, you can choose our developer certificate for signing or use your own. To upload your signature, you need to go to the “Key manager” – “Add Signature” section, fill out the form and upload developer certificates. You can remove a developer’s signature at any time.
Creating an Android key
Creating an Android key signature is easy with our software. You can do it automatically in the Key Manager section
by clicking on the Android Keys button and then the Upload Key button. Just give it a name and we will create it for you. If you already have an Android key, just click the button and upload your own custom key.
Creating an iOs key
Creating an iOs key signature is easy with our software. You can do it in the Key Manager section
by clicking on the iOs Key manger button and then the Upload Key button.
to create an iOS key you must have Apple developer account to fill the key details for creating your app, if you dont have an apple develoepr account go the apple site and enrolld the progrem here
you can choose any name for your key but for the Issuer ID, Key ID and p8 key file you must get it from apple develoepr account after you enrolld to the progrem you need to go to the acoount option
and then click Users and Access
go to keys option like in the link below
and create new key after that you can find your issuer id, key id and the p8 key file in the same page